31 March 2012

30 March 2012

29 March 2012

28 March 2012


I am grateful for friendship, and how it has been offered to me in many, many forms.

27 March 2012

26 March 2012

25 March 2012

24 March 2012


I am grateful for the subtleties and nuances of human interaction.

And, also, beds. I am extremely grateful for full length, flat, cushy, comfy, cozy beds. With fluffy pillows.

23 March 2012


I am grateful for and humbled by the sun.

22 March 2012

On this day...

22 March 2012, I am grateful for: serendipity. 

21 March 2012

20 March 2012


I am grateful for the space that exists between an initial thought/emotion/inclination and action/reaction. I am grateful for the awareness within me that signals me to slow down and just hang out for a while in that space in between. 

19 March 2012

I am grateful for:


I am grateful for me.

And, I am grateful for everyone we know.

17 March 2012

I am grateful...

For a nearly car-less bike journey home from work, late at night, on one of the most notorious drunken driving nights of the year. Yay life!

16 March 2012

I am...

...humbled by and grateful for the persistent rainbow across blue sky this morning. A clear sign of a new, magnificent day, following a harsh and stormy night.

15 March 2012


I am grateful for: bodily health, awareness, empathy and forgiveness. Without these, our capacity to be compassionate human beings, would cease. Thank you to all who value these things and work in your own life to express, grow and maintain them. 

14 March 2012

13 March 2012

On this day,

I am grateful for all lessons I have learned about patience, loving kindness and humility.

I am also aware that I still have much to learn.

12 March 2012

11 March 2012

I am grateful today...

...for all the small, sometimes seemingly insignificant, details that make life SO worth living.

10 March 2012

Thank you,

to everyone and anyone in my life who has taught me how to relax and take a day off.

09 March 2012

08 March 2012

Snow today, solar flares tomorrow.

Today, I'm grateful for all of life's many details that keep me constantly entertained and on my toes.

Yesterday, my bike ride to school in the morning was accompanied by a frost covered seat, and visible exhales. Today, it was 66 degrees and sunny. Yesterday there was a massive solar flare storm. Today, I'm feelin' it. Early this morning, the moon circled around again to full. Today...I'm feelin' it.  Today, I held space for and provided healing touch for a friend in extreme pain.

And tomorrow will be, yet, another day.

Thank you, life.

07 March 2012


I am grateful for my capacity to love and be loved.

06 March 2012


I am grateful for, brisk day, warm sun.

Mmmm. Yummy.

05 March 2012


I arrived in Portland exactly one year ago today and I am deeply grateful for everything this last year has taught and brought me.

04 March 2012

03 March 2012

3 March 2012

Today, I am grateful for...today. Another opportunity to simply live, love, breathe and be.

02 March 2012

01 March 2012