29 July 2010

26 July, Mon: Day 3...

...of my cross country journey and I have climbed to a peak where a 100 year old mining cabin sits, traversed over 1000 miles, slept in a hammock suspended over a river at over 10,000 feet (elev.), seen some of the most beautiful land formations on the earth, saw some of the devastating effects of the mountain pine beetle, picked and eaten wild strawberries, cooked and eaten in a communal outdoor kitchen, slept in a teepee, peed in a teepee, (different teepees) washed my clothes in a river, thought I spotted a bear in the woods at night (but, it wasn't really a bear after all...more likely a moose or deer...c'mon, it was dark...), cheered on a couple of crazy guys skateboarding down the side of a mountain, visited the ridge of the continental divide, made some wonderful new friends, created more memories with some wonderful old ones, staged a super overdramatic photoshoot by campfire and consumed the most giant roasted marshmallow my jaw has ever seen. And that was just two days in Colorado...Whew!


  1. Love the "different teepees" parenthetical. (and kudos for having more restraint than me in that you avoided the phrase, "peepee teepee". :-)

    [Silliness {or silkenness if autocorrect had its wayward way} aside, sounds like some incredible experiences!]

  2. Awesome! Beautiful pictures! Amazing Hammock location.

  3. Bear Burrito!!! It was great having our Meagaphone in CO with us. The "bear attack" night will be hard to forget.
