26 November 2009

Happy Thankful Day

At this moment, on this day, in this month, in this year:

I am thankful to have been born into a body containing a healthy, strong and capable brain that has an ever increasing desire to learn and grow. More so, I'm thankful for every single one of you who have been, and continue to be my teachers along the way.

I am thankful to have been born into a body containing a healthy, strong and capable voice. A body which has experienced much and (among many other wonderful things) has learned to laugh, cry, dance, respect, feel, sing, love, think, do and be. More so, I acknowledge and appreciate that through my learned skills, abilities and my voice, that I am empowered to make a difference.

I feel blessed to have been born with a healthy, strong and passionate spirit which has the ability to perceive the abundant beauty on this planet with a sense of awe and wonder. More so, I feel humbled by an immense sense of gratitude to have received so much love, compassion and understanding in my life, and feel very fortunate to have been shown the multitude of ways to give back.

Most of all, I am simply thankful to be able to say: I am.

* * *

Much love, gratitude and appreciation to you all on this day, and every day this year.

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