23 November 2009

quick update...

Been having some really amazing and intense experiences the last few days, which I will go into more detail on later. And, have also begun to catch the cold that has been circulating around the community...

So, today has been really, really, really hard. But I'm dealing and just trying to be really gentle to myself. I'm learning loads about living in a community and trying to balance my personal/mental/emotional needs with the personal responsibilities of sharing space with 20-30 other people. And I'm finding it's really quite hard!

Also, another balance that has been rough is figuring out how much time to spend and when to be online (to post these updates, load new photos onto flickr, send emails and connect with you all via skype or other methods...) I have noticed that since I've arrived here, I've spent *way* more time on the computer that I'd like, and am going to be setting up a system for myself to cut way back. I'm going to see how I go with twice per week for a few hours. Usually we have our day off in the week on Mondays, so that will be one day in the week, and I'll have to see about the other one.

Mostly this message is just to let you all know that I'll be online less in an effort to get into better habits of spending my time doing productive things *unattached* to my laptop!

I've discovered that I can accept phone calls from you without it using any minutes on my thai sim card, so if you'd like to get in touch with me that way - shoot me an email and I'll happily send you the number!

Much love to you all and hope your week (and Thanksgiving) is wonderful!

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